Since a young age I have always had a creative mind that thinks outside of the box. After studying film at A Level I decided I wanted to dive straight into the film industry so, instead of going to University I began an internship at 282 Video Production where I learnt the basics to film editing, cinematography, lighting and all the necessary skills to have on a film set. After 7 months interning I went freelance and began to work with other companies such as SKY Atlantic, KIA, Jaguar UK, John Lewis, Boden and many more. Eventually I was offered the incredible opportunity to be an assistant producer on the short film 'Wings', winning over 50 awards across the globe in countries such as Australia, America and Brazil. In the UK, the film won the IRIS prize for best British short as well as being distributed on ALL4.
Like everyone I was affected by COVID19 and I had to change my profession in order to have a more stable income. When COVID19 had settled I decided it would be good for me to travel and see the world, to see what life really is after spending nearly 2 years quarantined to my tiny village. Asia was the destination and 6 months was my time limit and it was the best decision of my life. Travelling through Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand opened my mind to new adventures, opportunities, tastes, lifestyles, and much more. This was when I knew I had to get back into filmmaking. Returning home was the beginning of my adventure with SSP and now the sky is the limit.
As well as edit film, I shoot, photograph, and I write. I am looking to get into creative projects however I am still available for different types of shoots so don't let that deter you!
I’m always looking for a chance to explore undiscovered avenues and learn new skills that I can apply to what I do. I invite you to explore my work in this portfolio. Contact me to discuss how we can do something great together. I hope you enjoy my work!